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Orion Project - Lineage 2 Server Files

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    Latest update: Changeset #33 | Revision #1161
    The base platform: L2jserver
    Requirements: Java 8 or newer
    Usage:1-2 GB Ram
    OS:Windows | Linux
    Database server: MySQL 5.x - 8.x
    Features: Read more

    Download: L2jOrion_Server_Files_(Pack).zip

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      You must be signed in to view the link content in this post. Please Sign In or Sign Up. L2jOrion Server Files Update (Changeset 33 | Revision 1161) All information about (Changeset #33Β | Revision #1161):
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      DataPack commits / changesΒ for this changeset (fixes / updates):
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      Let me know if you find any mistake. Thank you! Submitter You must be signed in to view the link content in this post. Please Sign In or Sign Up. Submitted 02/17/25 Category You must be signed in to view the link content in this post. Please Sign In or Sign Up. Β 
    • Pets / Servitors / Cubics: Lifetime of the following servitors haveΒ been changed (By L2OFF): Warlock / Arcana Lord: Kat the Cat - 1-4lvl 20min Β | Β 5-18lvl 60min Mew the Cat - 1-4lvl 20min Β | Β 5-18lvl 60min Kai the Cat - all lvls 60min Feline Queen - all lvls 60min Feline King - 60min Elemental Summoner / Elemental Master: Boxer the Unicorn - 1-4lvl 20min Β | Β 5-18lvl 60min Mirage the Unicorn - 1-4lvl 20min Β | Β 5-18lvl 60min Merrow the Unicorn - all lvls 60min Unicorn Seraphim - all lvls 60min Magnus the Unicorn - 60min Phantom Summoner / Spectral Master: Shadow - 1-4lvl 20min Β | Β 5-18lvl 60min Silhouette - 1-4lvl 20min Β | Β 5-18lvl 60min Soulless - all lvls 60min Nightshade - all lvls 60min Spectral Lord - 60min Necromancer / Soultaker: Reanimated Man - all lvls 15min Corrupted Man - all lvls 15min Cursed Man - all lvls 15min Dark Avenger / Hell Knight: Dark Panther - all lvls 60min Warsmith / Maestro: Mechanic Golem Β - 1-2lvl 20min Β | Β 3-9lvl 60min Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Spectral Lord. Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Feline King. Adjustment to L2OFF servitor HP for Nightshade. Adjustment servitor skill Slash. Adjustment servitor skill Spin Slash. Adjustment servitor skill Hold of King. Adjustment servitor skill Corpse Kaboom. Adjustment servitor skill Dicing Death Adjustment servitor skill Dark Curse. Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Magnus The Unicorn Adjustment to L2OFF servitor skill Tidal Wave Adjustment to L2OFF servitor skill Whiplash Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Boxer The Unicorn Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Mirage The Unicorn Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Unicorn Seraphim Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Soulless Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Silhouette Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Shadow Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Reanimated Man Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Nightshade Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Mew The Cat Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Mechanic Golem Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Kat The Cat Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Kai The Cat Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Feline Queen Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Dark Panther Adjustment to L2OFF servitor stats for Cursed Man Adjustment to L2OFF servitorΒ stats for Merrow The Unicorn ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Boxer the Unicorn. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Mirage the Unicorn. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Merrow the Unicorn. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Unicorn Seraphim. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Magnus the Unicorn. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Kat the Cat. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Mew the Cat. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Feline Queen. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Feline King. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Kai the Cat. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Silhouette. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Shadow. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Soulless. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Nightshade. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Spectral Lord. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Dark Panther. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Mechanic Golem. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Corrupted Man. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Reanimated Man. ADDED - missing Passive skills for servitor Cursed Man. ADDED - missing servitorΒ skill β€žSummon PVP Penaltyβ€œ. FIXED - Weight calculation of Pets equipment. FIXED - Skill'sΒ damage of servitor Spectral Lord - Corpse Kaboom. FIXED - Servitor Shadow (Phantom Summoner) now have working Vampiric Rage 15%. FIXED - Spark Cubic debuff time from 5sec to 9sec. FIXED - Chances for activation and break time for Mass Cubics have been changed. (According to L2OFF) FIXED - The behavior of the abnormal effect for pets/servitors. FIXED - HP/MP regeneration for pets/servitors when they receive buffs that increase these stats. FIXED - The issue where the Food Bar dropped to 10% when a pet died and was resurrected. New features: ADDED -Β New feature of offline buffs selling. All offline buffers will be loaded again after server restart / shutdown. IMPROVED -Β  Geodata engine. From now on, movement and pathfinding will be very close to L2OFF. Now, when you click on a wall, the character won't stop but will move as close to it as possible. Older version had a lot of movement issues. This one doesn't have them. ADDED - DressMe update: easier finding of all bought items. It grouped by categories. REWORKED - Manor System:Β Β It's now as close as possible to L2OFF. FIXED - Level limits when sowing seeds. FIXED - Fruits (Crops) drop, now the amount depends on the Adena/Ancient AdenaΒ drop of a specific monster (like in L2OFF). ADDED - An additional config β€žManorHighPriceLimitMultiplier = 10β€œΒ to rares.ini, which allows limiting the profitability of the manor on servers with low online population. ADDED - Functionality of the Regular Attack during PvP. From now on when you attack an enemy, 1 click equals 1 hit, unlike before when 1 click isΒ Auto attack (Config added as well in case somebody will want turn off it). ADDED - The new system that interrupts skill casting when the target moves behind a wall or some kinda objects (like in L2OFF). Removed old system. Quests: FIXED - Quest Proof of Clan Alliance, now trade with trade Clan Leader with Poison is possible. FIXED - Quest Trial Of Challenger better spawn location for Quest NPCs. FIXED - Chain of quests in Forest of the Death: Hidden Truth, Tragedy In Von Hellmann Forest, Lidias Heart, Lidias Heart, Inhabitants Of The Forrest Of The Dead, Hiding Behind The Truth. FIXED - Reward for Quest Sword of Solidarity. FIXED - Reward for Quest Sea of Spores Fever. FIXED - Reward for Quest Spirit of Craftsman. FIXED - Quest: Test of Summoner - Player can now exchange the list of monsters to kill, received from Lara, by deleting the current list. FIXED - Quest: Ghosts Of Batur - If player has too many quest items, they can now finish the quest. (Before couldn't finish) FIXED - Quest Monsters aggro: Leto Lizardman Wizard and Leto Lizardman Sniper FIXED - Quest: Test Of Healer - Problem with Lizardmans spawn. FIXED - in the An Arrogant Search Quest, Kill / Attack Mechanic - Adjustment to L2OFF FIXED - Quest Magical Power of Water - Part 1 Β now, when monsters in Ketra Orc detect an enemy, the quest is terminated. FIXED - Quest Magical Power of Fire- Part 1 Β now, when monsters in Varka Silenos Β detect an enemy, the quest is terminated. FIXED - Quest Relics Of The Old Empire - Changed chance for Quest Item to retail x1. FIXED - Quest Seekers Of The Holy Grail - Changed chance for Quest Item, and Reward to retail x1. FIXED - Quest Guardians Of The Holy Grail - Changed chance for Quest Item to retail x1. FIXED - Quest Little Wing's Big Adventure - added missing Guards, changed Trees respawn time to 5 minutes, changed Trees P.Def, now only can remove 'Fairy Leaves' by drinking juice from the trees. FIXED - Quest Exploration of Giants Cave Part 2, sorting rewards based on items obtained. NPCs / Monsters / Bosses: Adjustment of all NPC statistics (close to L2OFF). FIXED - Monsters type in the Crypts of Disgrace area has been changed.Β They are now Undead. FIXED - Casting Speed of Raid Bosses (Information source from L2OFF). FIXED - The issue with mobs that left their previous form as a ghost after transformation, for example: Fallen Orc Shaman. UPDATED - Raid Curse mechanics. FIXED - Drop for monsters: Splinter Stakato Drone and Splinter Stakato Soldier. FIXED - Statistics of the Raid Boss Harit Hero Tamash. REMOVEDΒ  - Incorrect monster spawns in the Silent Valley area. FIXED - Stats of Epic Boss Baium have been adjusted to L2OFF. FIXED - Stats of Epic Boss Zaken have been adjusted to L2OFF. ADDED - Missing monsters in Dark Omens ADDED - Missing Raid Fighters to Carnage Lord Gato. ADDED - Missing Raid Fighters to Lilith's Witch Marilion. ADDED - Missing Minions for Quest Monster Gorr. FIXED - Spawns on Ancient Battleground. Skills: FIXED - Calculation of the success chance for a skill that have both functions, a debuff and damage. FIXED - Skill Mass Summon Aqua Cubic (skill radius). FIXED - Skill Servitor Blessing now it removes slow type skills. FIXED - Servitors too big resist chance of some debuffs. CHANGED - Chances for Skill Turn Undead, adjustment to L2OFF. FIXED - Turn Undead skill: Increased chance for Lethal, decreased chance for Fear after enchanting skill, added an increased chance for Lethal after enchanting for Power. FIXED - Skill Aggression (reuse changed from 3 sec to 6 sec, "hate" damage added, which was previously missing) - Information sourced from L2OFF. FIXED - Skill Aura of Hate (reuse changed from 3 sec to 40 sec, "hate" damage added, which was previously missing) - Information sourced from L2OFF. FIXED - Incorrect Clan Halls buffs levels. CHANGED- Mass Resurrection range from 600 to 900 - Adjustment to L2OFF. FIXED - Range of Buffs skills for Overlord has been changed from 400 to 1100 - Information sourced from L2OFF. FIXED - The issue with incorrect damage calculation for skill Crush of Doom. FIXED - The issue with incorrect display of augmentation skills as Passive/Active. FIXED - Raid Boss Skill Bleed. FIXED - Raid Boss skill Decrease MP. FIXED - Skill 'Reflect Damage' for quest monster Vision Guardian Shakiel. FIXED - Skill Bandage lvl.3 Now remove Bleeding up to effect 9. FIXED - Hydro Screw skill level for the first level of the summon Merrow The Unicorn has been changed - it was too high. FIXED - The Stack Type for the skill Soul of Sagittarius. FIXED - Servitor skill: Parasite Burst Β (Soulless) now see corpses and explode. FIXED - The functionality of AOE skills when used with CTRL, as well as when the player is flagged or not. FIXED - The effect type for the skills: Sting, Ice Dagger. (Skills like Bandage, Remedy, Vitalize, and Purify should now work correctly.) FIXED - Increased damage and reduced reuse time for the skill Blinding Blow (NPC skill [Primeval Isle]) – adjustment to L2OFF. FIXED - Effect TypeΒ Hold ofΒ skills for Monsters, so now it can be removed. FIXED - The duration and reuse for the skill Snipe, and added the effect disappearing when the bow is removed. FIXED -Β Functionality and duration of the Fear effect. Others: FIXED - Color disappear in offline mode. FIXED - The issue with Herbs replacement at max buff levels. Now Herbs no longer override buffsΒ and buffs with max levels replace Herbs. ADDEDΒ  - Missing dropΒ of Herbs to locations: Plains of the Lizardmen and Alligator Island. FIXED - Drop of Recipe: Dark Crystal Gloves has been removed from Punishment of Splendor, which appears as an assistant. Main monster still has drop as beforeΒ (L2OFF files source). FIXED - From now on a player who is in Buff Store Mode automatically leaves party. FIXED - Respawn times for all monsters in Forest of the Death. FIXED - The issue where high-level characters (6-9 levels above the Raid Boss) dealing low damage or performing other interactions around Raid Boss caused a reduced drop chance. FIXED - Stack type for Clan Hall Buff: Bless The Soul has been changed to correct. FIXED - Correction of Quest: Warehouse Keeper's Pastime FIXED - Fees for Clan Hall features have been adjusted to L2OFF. FIXED - Weekly fee for Clan Hall Grade A (1kk) and B (500k) have been adjusted to L2OFF. FIXED - Changed duration of "Hot Springs Buffs" from 20 minutes to 1 hour (L2OFF) IMPROVED - Calculation of AoE skill ranges (primarily noticeable for skills with a short range). ADDED - Drop Herbs for Monster: Fettered Souls FIXED - Spawn locations for teleportation to Neutral Zone from Dark Elven Village have been FIXED -. FIXED - Primeval Isle monsters levels (L2OFF info) FIXED - Stack level for Buff Berserker Spirit ADDED - Teleport from Rune to Primeval Isle and back from Primeval Isle to Rune. FIXED - Teleport back for monsters entering Peace Zone on Primeval Isle beach. FIXED - Mass Summon Cubic range. ADDED - Missing drop Spellbook: Summon Magnus the Unicorn. CHANGED - Item Type for: Cursed Grave Goods from Normal to Quest. FIXED - Abandoned Camp and Orc Barracks problem with monsters AI. FIXED - HTML translation for NPC Sabrin window. ADDED - Herb drop for monsters Ol Mahum - Abandoned Camp, Partisan Hideaway, Dion Hills, Fortress of Resistance. FIXED - Village Masters in Dion, now you can exchange Shadow weapon coupons in every Grand Master. FIXED - Monster movement when social aggro is active. Previously, monsters would get stuck on player gathering train, now, mobs run toward the attacker. FIXED - The issue with refreshing used items in Β inventory, including the Summoning Crystal. FIXED - Maximum number of monsters simultaneously attacked by a Polearm (Increased from 2 to 4 - Base). FIXED - spawn location for NPC Gupu ADDED - Missing Herb drop for Monsters: Fline, Fline Elder, Forest Runner, Liele, Liele Elder. FIXED - The issue with hatchlings gaining EXP in a party has been FIXED -. EXP is no longer shared with party members. FIXED - The issue with HP/MP regeneration for hatchlings after leveling up. FIXED - The issue with using Blessed Beast Spiritshots after re-summoning or death of servitor. FIXED - Functionality of skill Blinding Blow. it now increases speed regardless of whether it was successful or not. ADDED - Missing debuff skill type to skill Cleanse. FIXED - Maximum level of debuffs that Cleanse can remove has been increased. (9 -> 10) FIXED -Β Quest "Egg Delivery" by adding the missing part at its end. FIXED -Β Quest "Specialty Liquor Delivery" by adding the missing part at its end. FIXED - The issue with display of buff bar in PET Β and Servitors window. FIXED - Servitor auto-attack. Now, when a servitor receives a stun-type debuff, it will continue attacking enemy after debuff ends instead of returning to summoner. FIXED - Siege Guards Aggro Range. FIXED - The issue with refreshing HP/MP/CP bars in Party. FIXED - M.Crit damage dealt by hatchling. FIXED - Summoning restriction has been removed when character is sitting on a Strider. FIXED - Geodata issues in Stakato Nest FIXED - The issue with Strider duplication when mounting it while simultaneously receiving Song/Dance. FIXED - The issue with summoning block (Gate Chant) for characters mounted on a Strider. FIXED - The issue with "Manufacturer <Nickname> is busy". FIXED - The missing teleports from Rune by Priest of Dawn/Dusk to the Catacombs and Necropolises. ADDED - Additional missing skills like Bleed to Cleanse skill. ADDED - Missing mobs in Catacombs of Witch FIXED - Stacking of COV, Magnus, VOP with PoW, PoF, and PoW buffs. FIXED - The amount of EXP gained by pets. FIXED - Drop from monsters when killed by pet. System checks pet's level, not owner's. FIXED - From now on, when mounting a Strider, all Dances and Songs will disappear. However, if you receive them while already mounted, they will remain after dismounting. ADDED - Missing HTML for Quest Attack Sailren! FIXED - The ability to use HP, Atk. Spd, Speed, and Cast. Spd potions for all pets. FIXED - Border Outpost gate between Blazing Swamp and Goddard. FIXED - Restore bonuses for Clan Halls:Β HPΒ and MP. FIXED - Fishing Tournament. ADDED - Missing "Upgrade Pet Equipment" link to NPC Pet Manager "Rood" in Heine. ADDED - Missing recipes for Divine Gloves and Soulshot (B) Compressed Package to the Liele Elder monster. FIXED - the ability to build headquarters during a siege. UPDATED - Water zones. Corrected z coordinates for all Necropolises / Catacombs. IMPROVED - Functionality of attacks when chasing an enemy and player holds the attack f key. Now,Β  the character no longer "slips" while simultaneously dealing damage. Instead, when you catch up to the enemy, the character stops, deals damage, and then resumes the chase again. The same appliedΒ to the Pet/Servitor as well. FIXED - TheΒ issue when swimming was interrupted after a few seconds. FIXED - Mmocore config:Β ClientFloodProtection. Now it turns this system off fully.
    • Hello,
      First for all, you need to update the server pack. Your server isΒ running on outdated version.Β 
      Also, it's your custom INTERFACE fault.
    • Hello, everything else is working, but the materials in the player's bag are not visible. How can I fix this error? Β 
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